Accommodation for meetings and events

The diverse accommodation capacity in the Lahti region ranges from an elegant city center hotel to atmospheric manor accommodation. The Lahti region also has two official Olympic Training Centers offering accommodation capacity also for bigger congresses.

There are almost 1,400 beds in hotel-level accommodation in Lahti and 4,000 beds within a 20-60 minute drive. Hostels, bed and breakfasts and cottages complement the accommodation capacity of the Lahti region.




Solo Sokos Hotel Lahden Seurahuone 183 366
GreenStar Hotel Lahti 138 250
Forenom Aparthotel 137 270
Scandic Lahti City 170 302
Kauppahotelli Lahti 87 161
Mukkula Manor House 17 33
Holiday Centre Lepola 15 57
Opiston Kunkku 37 74
Pajulahti Olympic Training Center 300 1000
Altogether 1084 2513


20-60 min. from Lahti city



Messilä manor 62 242
Vierumäki Resort 284 873
Holiday Club Vierumäki 190 557
Hotel Kumpeli 119 249
Hotel Tallukka 101 250
Hotel Valo / Nowene 75 150
Siikaniemi course centre 35 96
Luomaniemi course centre 13 60
Ilola Inn 8 24
Radalla Resort 30 60
Altogether 917 2561


Special accomm. 30-60 min. from Lahti city



Lehmonkärki 18 villas 136
Kiuasniemi 2 villas 14
Iso-Naappila 6 villas 49
Yli-Kaitala 11 villas 116
Kullasmarina 3 villas 70
Aurinkoranta 10 villas 108
Vääksyn Apteekinmajoitus 7 rooms 14
Cronin’s Guesthouse 6 rooms 12
Altogether 50 villas/13 rooms 474

Visit Lahti at your service

We at Visit Lahti are experts of the Lahti region and will help you get started. We will come up with ideas for you, find suitable facilities or services and book them for you free of charge. For major events, all meeting services are available, from the registration service to accommodation reservations.

Contact us

Anu Kärkkäinen

Anu Kärkkäinen

Lahti Convention Bureau | Head of Convention Bureau p. +358 (0)40 828 4210
Raija Forsman

Raija Forsman

CEO p. +358 (0)40 516 2803